Sunday, June 10, 2012

Firefighter's Festival and In Town

Today we went into Pressbaum, Steve and Ruth's little town, to the Firefighter's Festival.  Firefighters are generally volunteer-based in Vienna so they hold a little annual festival to collect money.  

We loved the Bounce Bounce, although I think some of those kids in the back told me to go away.  I'll never know for sure.

There was also a local band!

We enjoyed traditional Austrian drinks.  Elizabeth and Lauren have Almdudler, herbal lemonade that tastes like a mix between sprite and ginger-ale, and Emilie and Phillip have himbeerkracherl, little raspberry explosion. 


11:00am :)
We also bought 2 langos which taste like garlic elephant ears and, of course, Austrian beer.

After the festival Mom, Lauren, Eliz and I went back to the city to explore! This fellow warned us of the end of times and said to enjoy our lives while we still can!  We were majorly impressed with his recycled outfit though. 

     Perhaps this Debby Downer affected our up-beat attitudes because soon after his visit, major fighting occurred between Fran and me.  We will not go into the gruesome details, but it all started when Fran took the map and said, "Follow me!"  End of story.

Funny story about Elizabeth:
We were in a shop and she was looking at these extra-long, foldable postcards.  The lovely and happy European shopkeeper came out of the store and very sarcastically exclaimed, "Thank you for folding the postcards."  Eliz naively replied, "You are Welcome!"  The man was not amused to say the least.

Good news though, we cheered up immediately with some soup and desserts from the famous Cafe Central!

Bubble Tea for the train ride home.

Mom is fascinated by the bakeries.

Ruth had a steaming hot meal of curry waiting on us when we got home!

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