Thursday, June 7, 2012

Off We GO

Good Morning Blobbers!  
With minor strife we arrived at the airport and anxiously await our plane's arrival.  Mom, Elizabeth, and Emilie did major prep-work last night for our travels by watching the Sound of Music.  Mom also attempted to carry-on an entire bottle of wine (a gift for a lady whose house we are staying in :) onto the plane and got a good laugh from the baggage-check people.  Keep us all in your thoughts during our day of travel, it is going to be interesting to say the least.

The embarrassing photos at highly inappropriate times begin.

On further note, Mom just looked at the pilot and said "We are fascinated by you."   

...and, of course, a picture.


  1. Oh no. Rebekah, your experience will not be NEARLY as positive if you haven't seen The Sound of Music in the past six months!

  2. "We are fascinated by you." - Classic Fran
