Friday, June 8, 2012


We strongly advised against this but Fran insisted.

All in all the travel was manageable.   We had one 911 emergency in Canada because big dufuses Mom and Elizabeth left the restricted area in search of a bathroom.  Next thing I know Mom, already a nervous wreck, is calling Emilie and me in panic mode because security wouldn't let them back through the gate.  After going through Canadian Customs unnecessarily, 5 ignored calls from mom while I maneuvered the airport, and a thorough tongue lashing for no apparent reason other than her shot nerves..... we finally made it to Vienna and were greeted by Steve!  We are here!

More to come tomorrow and the days to follow if we can ever wake Mom up from her slumber.  She passed out immediately at their house and, from the sounds in that room, we'll be lucky to see her again today.  Thank you Xanax.

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